Don’t Forget Those Pearly Whites

I was reminded of this just a few days ago. No, not on a camping trip or even in the wilds. It was, nonetheless, a good reminder to review my medical supplies. This is not the sexy side of wilderness medicine. What attracts most of us to the austere or wilderness medical setting is the…

What’s in a Name: Docwilderness

Why use the name Docwilderness for your blog? You don’t just write about the woods or camping, after all. In general, I answer that there is so much wilderness around us; why should I restrict what I write or talk about to just one area of the proverbial forest? More specifically, Webster’s dictionary defines wilderness…

The House of Jesus: A Book Review

Having just finished reading this novel while on a cruise through the Caribbean, I had to write a review of this marvelous work. This book truly has something for every reader. If you are looking for a romance, the blossoming relationship between two of the main characters will keep you enthralled. If you are looking…

Altitude: It May Not be as High as You Think

For many, the thought of going “to altitude” brings images of Mt. Everest or similar mountaineering peaks. Physiologically, however, nothing could be further from the truth. Depending upon susceptibility, humans can begin to experience symptoms of altitude illness as low as 1500 meters above sea level. The chances increase after 6,500 feet and further still…

Medical Preparedness

The news is full of stories that are forever reminding us that we have to be prepared for just about anything these days. Some may choose to take this to the level many think of as being a “prepper” while others have done little to nothing expecting all needs to be met by local or…