Hydration and Rehydration

Hydration aka water…essential for life. We take for granted this vital substance which we cannot live without. In much of the world, however, clean drinking water is a luxury. In a previous post, I have discussed how to make this water safe to drink. In this post, I want to examine what you might be…

The Cost of Healthcare

As of January 2019, all hospitals and healthcare systems were required to post their pricing on their websites or in some public, machine readable format. The goal of this mandate was to give patients the information needed to make informed decisions about their healthcare, from a financial standpoint. Unfortunately, what patients are being able to…

Medical Preparedness

The news is full of stories that are forever reminding us that we have to be prepared for just about anything these days. Some may choose to take this to the level many think of as being a “prepper” while others have done little to nothing expecting all needs to be met by local or…

Planning an Adventure?

Now is the time of year that many start thinking about or planning for their next adventure. This may be a short trip to a neighboring state or a 12 hour plane ride away. Either way, be sure to do your homework prior to heading out the door. It can save you a lot of…

Dengue Outbreak in Nepal

It is being reported that dengue is stretching Hospital resources in Kathmandu with 1170 cases since May 2019. Nepal has seen 5095 cases with numbers expected to be underreported. This disease has not traditionally been an issue in Kathmandu and the public has not been prepared to take the illness or precautions seriously. It is…

To Read or to Listen

Always an avid reader, I once ridiculed those who merely listened to books. How could you possibly get the same meaning and depth from listening as you could by having those pages firmly planted in your hands, your eyes scanning every word as your mind busily works through the plot in your brain? Those who…

Water Quality: Looks Can be Deceiving

As I mentioned in a prior article, I tend to be one of those who are highly susceptible to “GI bugs”. Whether due to water or food borne disease, I always seem to get at least a little diarrhea on any travel outside of the USA (and to some places in the USA). I recently…

The Traveller’s​ Scurge: Traveller’s Diarrhea

In this post I want to expand on what I wrote in prior blog concerning being prepared for an upcoming adventure. While Traveller’s Diarrhea was mentioned there briefly, there is so much more that the truly prepared adventurer needs to know. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the organisms and regions in which you…

Angelica archangelica

Also known as wild celery, this medicinal herb was a favorite for Colonists to the Americas from Britain. Used for thousands of years by medical practitioners on both sides of the pond, this herb has been advertised as, essentially, a cure all. Current scientific studies have not supported such wide ranging uses. However, there are…

Pre-Hospital Care in Mass Casualty Shootings

You will likely recognize the above picture as a CAT tourniquet. As programs such as Stop The Bleed and others have focused on the use of tourniquets in the field, these have become a popular item for most to carry in our kits. This is for good reason too. Studies and data coming from military…